Monday, May 6, 2013


Alright, here it is... my 3D self-portrait. Upon opening Blender, I saw a cube. This cube, I felt, had something in common with me. It is an inanimate geometric figure floating freely in a self-contained universe consisting only of a grid and itself. The cube passes through the grid without effort. As of late, I have felt like this cube. Recent events in my lif have left me feeling different, empty. I often feel like merely a shell of a body with nothing inside floating freely through space. I am a featureless object passing through grid after grid with not one being able to catch me. I modeled my cube to reflect how I feel lately, thus creating a work of minimalist self-portraiture. I decided to keep the grid in the photos, using the program as a part of my piece. I am now realizing how bleak and depressing my description may seem but I wanted to present something a little deeper than the usual student art entries.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I despise blender.